Recently, the city of Chicago made headlines when they expanded their sexual assault prevention efforts by requiring bystander intervention training for all companies with at least one employee working in the city. This requirement is the first of its kind in the nation and advocates hope that required bystander intervention training will expand to all companies around the nation.
Read MoreRecently, Soteria Solutions hosted two brainstorming sessions focused on developing new scenarios for the Bringing in the Bystander® (BITB) College Prevention Program. Prevention programming involves combining knowledge and skills into action.
Read MoreClients, customers, patients and consumers may not be familiar with legislation passed earlier this year that has far reaching impact. Changes to the Federal Arbitration Act have ended forced arbitration, enabling a victim of sexual assault or harassment to go to court. This will likely increase public attention and awareness of claims that have been historically kept out of the public eye.
Read MoreClients, customers, patients and consumers may not be familiar with legislation passed earlier this year that has far reaching impact. Changes to the Federal Arbitration Act have ended forced arbitration, enabling a victim of sexual assault or harassment to go to court. This will likely increase public attention and awareness of claims that have been historically kept out of the public eye.
Read MoreTitle IX: Activism On and Off the Field commemorates the 50th anniversary of Title IX, an addition to the Education Amendments Act of 1972 that fundamentally reshaped American society by prohibiting discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities that receive federal assistance.
Read MoreWe recently completed a Virtual Water Cooler Event for high school, college and community partners who are license holders of Bringing in the Bystander® (BITB).
Read MoreCollective Action to Address and Prevent Sexual Harassment: Two Efforts from Soteria Solutions are Featured in NASEM’s Annual Report and Repository Update
Read MorePart 2 of 2: Building partnerships with employees and organizations for safe, respectful workplaces.
Read MorePart 1 of 2: Creating safe, respectful workplaces based on social norms and data
Read MoreRecently, a man raped a woman on public transportation in Philadelphia and outrage has focused on the people on the train who did not intervene.
Read MoreAt Soteria Solutions, we hope that we can build on Barb’s legacy to foster a sustainable and effective movement to end gender-based violence. Barb has certainly gifted us with an incredible start.
Read MoreIn the era of COVID-19 and as technology advances, cyberbullying is becoming increasingly common, especially among high schoolers.
Read MoreBystanders in the break room have lots of options to intervene but do they have the skills?
Read MoreAs prosocial bystanders seeking an end to sexual and relationship violence and stalking, we know ending violence requires ending oppression and recognizing what is happening.
Read MoreHow do we find bystander stories that represent all people?
Read MoreThe EEOC has offered recommendations for the best approach to prevention. Backed by decades of research, Soteria Solutions’ workplace products combine all of the key ingredients for effective prevention and sustainable culture change.
Read MoreOur Soteria Solutions team hosted our October Virtual Water Cooler on Monday, October 19, 2020 to discuss some updates on livestreaming Bringing in the Bystander(R) College and High School.
Read MoreFor our work at Soteria Solutions, what questions should we ask?
Read MoreInterview with Carola Davis, Soteria Solutions Interview
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