Requiring Bystander Intervention Training at Work

Recently, the city of Chicago made headlines when they expanded their sexual assault prevention efforts by requiring bystander intervention training for all companies with at least one employee working in the city. This requirement is the first of its kind in the nation and advocates hope that required bystander intervention training will expand to all companies around the nation.

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Jennifer Scrafford
Executive Order is a Start; What Else is Needed for Safe and Respectful Environments in the Military

Clients, customers, patients and consumers may not be familiar with legislation passed earlier this year that has far reaching impact. Changes to the Federal Arbitration Act have ended forced arbitration, enabling a victim of sexual assault or harassment to go to court. This will likely increase public attention and awareness of claims that have been historically kept out of the public eye.

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Jennifer Scrafford
The End of Forced Arbitration of Sexual Harassment & Assault Claims: Good News and The Opportunity for Workplaces

Clients, customers, patients and consumers may not be familiar with legislation passed earlier this year that has far reaching impact. Changes to the Federal Arbitration Act have ended forced arbitration, enabling a victim of sexual assault or harassment to go to court. This will likely increase public attention and awareness of claims that have been historically kept out of the public eye.

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Jennifer Scrafford