Big goals, small steps, and #MeToo

It’s an interesting time to be growing a start-up focused on preventing harassment and engaging employees and students in the quest for greater civility. Soteria’s VP of Operations, Jennifer Scrafford, shares what it’s like to nurture cultural change as #MeToo is flourishing.

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Jennifer Scrafford
Bystander Messaging Matters!

Bringing in the Bystander (BITB) is an evidence-based bystander intervention program from Soteria Solutions that teaches students, faculty, and staff how to become prepared and active bystanders who can help prevent sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking.

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Red Thinking
Reducing sexual and intimate partner violence and harassment in our education system: high schools and colleges are uniquely positioned to facilitate cultural change.

As attention to the prevalence of sexual and intimate partner violence and harassment in all sectors of society and its devastating impacts on victims and perpetrators continues to grow, high schools and colleges are uniquely positioned to be part of the solution in reducing violence in our society.

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Red Thinking