Make the most of your prevention dollars.
Read MoreWe are striving to balance innovating to the current reality and supporting you against ensuring that we are being thoughtful and rooted in the best available evidence. Here are some of the steps we are currently taking to prepare for an uncertain fall.
Read MoreFostering empathy and situational awareness, however, is not enough, and COVID-19 illuminates how systems of oppression intersect to impact survivors.
Read MoreAs we adapt our prevention strategies to the COVID-19 pandemic conditions, we are mindful that we MUST adapt our prevention and response strategies to reflect the new conditions under which we are living, learning, working and socializing.
Read MoreThe issue with “revenge porn” is the lack of consent in the distribution of the images, not in the existence of the images themselves.
Read MoreUnfortunately, when faced with complex needs, well-intended but potentially dangerous responses proliferate.
Read MoreGiven the COVID-19 emergency throughout the world, is the current BITB content what our target audience needs right now?
Read MoreIs it feasible to adapt BITB from an in-person prevention strategy to an on-line module?
Read MoreSILVER SPRING, MARYLAND. Soteria's Innovative and Proven Bystander Intervention and Workplace Civility Trainings to be Provided to NOAA's Geographically Dispersed and Diverse Workforce
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It’s an interesting time to be growing a start-up focused on preventing harassment and engaging employees and students in the quest for greater civility. Soteria’s VP of Operations, Jennifer Scrafford, shares what it’s like to nurture cultural change as #MeToo is flourishing.
Read MoreSoteria Solutions was honored to be asked to speak at the Hollywood Commission’s IDEAS Summit. The event featured speakers dedicated to preventing workplace sexual harassment and creating diverse and inclusive workplaces.
Read MoreWhile the physical and mental health consequences are well documented the economic and human capital losses suffered by both victims and society have not been examined.
Read MoreBringing in the Bystander (BITB) is an evidence-based bystander intervention program from Soteria Solutions that teaches students, faculty, and staff how to become prepared and active bystanders who can help prevent sexual assault, relationship violence and stalking.
Read MoreAs attention to the prevalence of sexual and intimate partner violence and harassment in all sectors of society and its devastating impacts on victims and perpetrators continues to grow, high schools and colleges are uniquely positioned to be part of the solution in reducing violence in our society.
Read MoreMeghan Stewart, of the Prevention Innovations Research Center at the University of New Hampshire, interviews Dustin Struble of the University of Kansas about approaches for ensuring campus success in facilitating Bystander training.
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