Our unique approach and why it’s needed.

Soteria Solutions’ consulting services, awareness campaigns and toolkits and curricula were created out of intensive research. This research defines our initiatives that educate bystanders how to identify harassment, interpersonal violence and sexual assault, how to safely intervene, and how to effectively report incidents they observe. Knowledge is power; this is the core of our directives, and sets us apart as fact leaders in the field.

The Bringing in The Bystander Model is a great training to start the conversation, what students felt was missing was building upon that by going deeper into topics such as drug-facilitated sexual assault, and prevention education that might address assailants and survivors as well as bystanders.
— Georgetown University Student Association Senate
Soteria Solutions really helped us in this unprecedented time of COVID-19 by offering guidelines to teach Bringing in the Bystander College to our students virtually. We are excited to adapt BITB to a virtual format.
— Partners at St. Mary's College of Maryland

BITB College Curriculum Comparisons by License Level

3-Year Curriculum License
Facilitator Guide
2 Copies
PowerPoint Curriculum Slides, Electronic Templates and Resources
Access to Soteria Solutions' College Listserv
500+ schools, universities, community partners)
Attendance for One Person to train-the-trainer course
Implementation Guide
Bystander Intervention Social Media Toolkit
(images to download and customize)